"Some thoughts about me ...- And suddenly I moved to Budapest, here I loved drawing, I was touched by something that I came under the spell of it. I studied at the Arts High School in Pécs.
My professors were Simon Béla artist painter, Lantos Ferenc artist painter, Rétfalvi Sándor sculptor.
That otherwise happened my life is not their fault. I chose a harder way for me. Due to my work as window dresser and decorator the drawing and painting filled out my life. I always realized my dreams. My dreams are real, may be imposed on paper, can be touched, because they live and breathe with me. " ( Biographical detail)
— Montmartre (@ArtMontmartre) 9 mars 2019
PETLÁNOVICS JÓZSEF Artist Painter Hungaryhttps://t.co/CwEynsUDdLhttps://t.co/CwEynsUDdL pic.twitter.com/glrjoFXt0j